Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Distinguishing The External Factors That Affect Aging

Aging is an inevitable process all people go through. In fact, the aging process is considered a natural cycle that everything and everyone must face.

Aging is most evident on your skin. When you age, the skin loses its elasticity and that is why wrinkles and fine lines start to appear especially on the face, neck, and hands.

Today, the most common solution people find is through the use of anti-aging products that can minimize—if not eliminate—the signs of aging. These anti-aging products are marketed and advertised to encourage people to control the early signs of aging such as wrinkles, crow's feet, and other visible fine lines.

Avoiding The Causes Of Signs

The 21st century paved the way to the emergence of so many anti-aging products and services. Since the effectivity of these products isn't always 100 percent guaranteed, you shouldn't use them until you have consulted a physician or a professional. If you are thinking of using anti-aging products in order to lessen the effects of aging, it is a must that you conduct some research about the product you're planning to use and its possible side effects.

And, before finally deciding whether to use these products or not, you must first know the external factors that contribute to aging in order to avoid them. Listed below are the major external factors that cause skin aging, it is up to you how to avoid these in order to maintain young looking skin.

1. Sun. This is the major external factor that causes aging. Experts say that aging caused by overexposure to the sun's ultra violet rays is called "photo-aging." In this process, the sun's rays break down the collagen and elastin in your skin that leads to the development of premature wrinkles and other facial lines.

You can protect yourself from the harmful rays of the sun by applying sun block and sun screen that has a high SPF content, wearing proper articles of clothing that help protect your skin from the damaging rays and by lessening the time you spend outdoors especially when the sun is in its peak hours.

2. Gravity. Science tells us that gravity pulls everything towards the earth. As people age, the effect of gravity becomes visible on the skin and affects its elasticity.

3. Smoking. Nicotine indeed plays a big role in skin's aging. Studies show that smokers form lines and wrinkles sooner compared to those who don't smoke. Skin is affected by nicotine because it narrows the blood vessels in the outer layers of your skin that is responsible for the reduction of blood and nutrients.

4. Various facial expressions. People have a lot of facial expressions. These expressions are quite inevitable depending on the situation they are in. Since facial muscles are used when people make facial expressions, this can lead to the formation of lines on the face and neck.

5. Sleeping position. Although it may sound absurd, improper sleeping positions contribute to aging of the skin because it results in the visibility of wrinkles. It is advisable to adopt a sleeping position that can veer you away from forming lines on the face or even on your body.

By: bluegreen

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What Causes Skin To Age?

Who doesn't know the word aging?

This is perhaps one of the most talked-about topics in the country. In a society that prides itself with good appearance, aging is truly a major issue.

All people go through the same process of aging. It is as natural as life and death. As people get older, their skin will become less firm. Fine lines and wrinkles will also develop especially in the areas that are used often.

But despite being a natural and standard process, there are some factors that may speed up the development, allowing some of the signs to appear way before its appointed time.
Below are just some of the factors that make your skin age faster.

The sun

It may be something that we can’t get rid of as it will be there everyday of our existence, but you can certainly try to prevent it from wreaking havoc on the skin. The sun is the single most powerful contributor to wrinkles and lines on the face.

Exposure to the sun not only darkens the skin but can also burn the natural protectors of the skin, allowing the harmful UV rays to settle in. It can result in skin that appears leathery and sagging. In addition to this, there is also an increased risk of skin cancer with frequent unprotected exposure to the sun.

Experts advise for people to wear sun block all the times. This is especially true for people whose jobs are outdoors. For people who aren't frequently outdoors, a sun block with SPF 15 is ok; but for those who are exposed to the sun all the time, SPF 45 is recommended.

Cigarette Smoking

Although it may seem farfetched, what we take into our bodies can actually affect our skin. Cigarette smoking, for instance, can increase the aging process significantly as the smoke can dry the skin.

Cigarettes also deplete the body of much needed Vitamin C, which is a key component in cell and skin renewal. People who are exposed to smoke are also susceptible to early aging. Some scientists even believe that smoke can be as damaging to the skin as exposure to the sun.

Alcoholic Drinks.

Another factor that contribute to skin aging is the drinking of alcohol. This is because alcohol can dilate the blood vessels in the body, thus increasing the blood flow on the surface. This may make your cheeks rosy red for a time, but over time, the blood vessels can be damaged, resulting in a haggard appearance.

By: bluegreen

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Ultimate In Anti-Aging

Beyond anti-aging cosmetic treatments and products that only treat the skin tissues to fight the signs of premature aging, there is a way to ensure staying young and youthful and that is by nourishing your soul. Usually, when you think of anti-aging and staying youthful, the focus is primarily given to nourishing the skin and body and not enough importance is given to nourishing the soul.

The soul tends to be something that is intangible and that is why it isn't given much notice in the pursuit of youth and youthfulness. However, this need not be the case. Nourishing the soul shouldn't be a vague and abstract concept. The challenge will lie in trying to pin down this elusive component of our being.

The soul is that part of ourselves that give us the ability to experience depth in our daily lives. It is the part of us that allows us to appreciate beauty, makes us fall in love and permits us to feel deep joy and contentment which are all important aspects of staving off growing old. It is also that indefinable part of us that feels inexplicably empty or hallow when we are unable to properly nourish it.

Often times, even though everything seems to be going smoothly in our lives we experience a discontent and a sort of restlessness and that is your soul trying to let you know that you are taking it for granted.

Feeding the soul will allow us to embody the characteristics of youthfulness that is very important in the mindset needed to help combat premature aging. This is why it is very important to not neglect this essential aspect of our general being. Despite all the anti-aging products and treatments, if we are unable to promote a healthy being in all its components such as the body, mind and soul, then a part of us remains stressed and uneasy and this will reflect in our physical appearance.

That is why combined with the proper lifestyle that ensures proper nutrition and health and the right anti-aging products that help us fight anti-oxidants known to speed up aging, we need to ensure that our soul is adequately acknowledged. Best of all, it is quite simple to achieve the adequate nourishment of the soul. We just need to do avoid stress by being more flexible.

We need to do things that make us happy and fulfilled. We need to allow ourselves some pampering. Taking on the task of nourishing the soul has made anti-aging and staying youthful very easy.

By : bluegreen

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Aging That You Can't Control

Although aging skin is a natural part of life, when it will start and how it will progress will largely depend on two factors— one that you have no control of and one that will depend solely on you.

Like everything else in the world, aging is a function of the genes and the natural flow of life. It is basically biological in nature and though there are some factors that can hasten or slow down the process, there is little that you can do to stop it.

There are hereditary factors that are already pre-determined. And though these aren't necessarily signs of growing old but rather hereditary characteristics that are naturally part of yourself, these may still make you appear much older. There are aspects in your skin that are already there, waiting for triggers in the environment and the time that passes. This is because we basically inherit from our parents the method or way by which we grow old. There are some people who age well while there are others who don't and appear far older than their chronological ages.

Often, these hereditary manifestations of age can be seen in the tiny lines at the edge of the eyes or the wrinkles surrounding it. This is the reason why there are some people who have these so-called laugh lines even when they are younger.

Deep creases along the sides of the nose and the mouth are other hereditary lines that people develop when they grow old. Another worthy of mentioning are the number of lines that we get on the forehead or the furrows along the browline.

Drooping eyelids are also very common even in people who are young. There are just some people who have downward slants to their eyes. And though this isn't necessarily a sign of aging, it is something that will make the face appear older than its actual age.

Some people also have loose skin along their jaw line. And though this isn't actually sagging skin, having this excess skin can appear like the whole face is melting down and sagging.

In addition to this, there are also "old signs" in areas like the legs that we can inherit from our parents such as the development of cellulite and varicose veins, which can make people look older. The same can be said of baldness especially for men and the development of white hair early in life.

By : bluegreen

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Love Your Age

You will grow old. And no amount of refusing to answer "How old are you?" questions can change that fact. Well, you are in good company as all people will eventually age. You aren't alone in this dilemma.

But people are starting to see the aging process in a whole different light. When before, people were scrambling to hide their age, now some are vocal with their age and are embracing their maturity.

Growing old need not be something associated with white hair, wrinkled skin and rusty bones. You can actually be old but not appear to be as old. Heck, you can even land yourself a younger guy or a girl half your age. Just look at what Demi Moore managed to do!

The secret is to not feel old and to take the aging process as something that you can control. Trust me, it isn't something that you should be ashamed of that is if you want it to be.

1. Aging isn't just growing old but also growing up.

Aging need not be something that will give you white hair and a wrinkled demeanor. Aging can actually be something that will make you more mature and more experienced with the world. You can actually use your age to your advantage by sharing what you know and teaching the younger ones based on what you've been through in life.

People who are old are more likely to command more respect. They are more distinguished-looking and appear to be more believable than younger people.

2. Aging means relaxation

Growing old is something that you should actually celebrate because you have reached a time in your life when you can actually relax and not feel guilty about it. That is of course if you have prepared well for your retirement years. This is the time when you can relax and just have fun with your days.

3. Aging means fun

Spend the days at home and just read books. Catch up with old friends and hang out with them. Go out and live a little. One usual mistake of older people is to think that just because they are old they can no longer have fun. Actually, it's the opposite. Now you can have fun.

4. Aging means freedom

This is also the time when you need not worry about any responsibilities. You are no longer pressured to achieve something in your life because you have gone through so much. Now, you can do the things that you weren't able to do before because of duty.

By: bluegreen

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