Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Distinguishing The External Factors That Affect Aging

Aging is an inevitable process all people go through. In fact, the aging process is considered a natural cycle that everything and everyone must face.

Aging is most evident on your skin. When you age, the skin loses its elasticity and that is why wrinkles and fine lines start to appear especially on the face, neck, and hands.

Today, the most common solution people find is through the use of anti-aging products that can minimize—if not eliminate—the signs of aging. These anti-aging products are marketed and advertised to encourage people to control the early signs of aging such as wrinkles, crow's feet, and other visible fine lines.

Avoiding The Causes Of Signs

The 21st century paved the way to the emergence of so many anti-aging products and services. Since the effectivity of these products isn't always 100 percent guaranteed, you shouldn't use them until you have consulted a physician or a professional. If you are thinking of using anti-aging products in order to lessen the effects of aging, it is a must that you conduct some research about the product you're planning to use and its possible side effects.

And, before finally deciding whether to use these products or not, you must first know the external factors that contribute to aging in order to avoid them. Listed below are the major external factors that cause skin aging, it is up to you how to avoid these in order to maintain young looking skin.

1. Sun. This is the major external factor that causes aging. Experts say that aging caused by overexposure to the sun's ultra violet rays is called "photo-aging." In this process, the sun's rays break down the collagen and elastin in your skin that leads to the development of premature wrinkles and other facial lines.

You can protect yourself from the harmful rays of the sun by applying sun block and sun screen that has a high SPF content, wearing proper articles of clothing that help protect your skin from the damaging rays and by lessening the time you spend outdoors especially when the sun is in its peak hours.

2. Gravity. Science tells us that gravity pulls everything towards the earth. As people age, the effect of gravity becomes visible on the skin and affects its elasticity.

3. Smoking. Nicotine indeed plays a big role in skin's aging. Studies show that smokers form lines and wrinkles sooner compared to those who don't smoke. Skin is affected by nicotine because it narrows the blood vessels in the outer layers of your skin that is responsible for the reduction of blood and nutrients.

4. Various facial expressions. People have a lot of facial expressions. These expressions are quite inevitable depending on the situation they are in. Since facial muscles are used when people make facial expressions, this can lead to the formation of lines on the face and neck.

5. Sleeping position. Although it may sound absurd, improper sleeping positions contribute to aging of the skin because it results in the visibility of wrinkles. It is advisable to adopt a sleeping position that can veer you away from forming lines on the face or even on your body.

By: bluegreen

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