Saturday, March 15, 2008

Strategies To Stay Young

The aging should not be something that you are afraid of. If done properly and if the body is well taken care of, aging can be one of the best things that can happen in your life. After all, this is when you mature.

The aging should not be considered old, but distinguished looking. It need not be haggard but more respectful and conservative. Looking for young people is a choice that you make, and it will only depend on you and how you will look and how others see you come of age, so to speak.

Although aging is a biological process that is solely dependent on genetics, lifestyle practice also factors in. What you eat, what you drink and what you do with your body, a body that you will probably be stuck with all your life will affect how your age and appearance of the body.

Here are some strategies that you should use.

Do not fluctuate your weight

Dieting can be dangerous especially when it is not done in the right way. Eating is the number one way to reach a younger skin. Indeed, there are some vitamins and minerals that are found in foods that are essential to the renewal of the skin cell regeneration. In addition, fluctuations in weight can cause skin sag, which can make an old appearance of the skin. The lack of nutrients your body will also lose its supply of collagen and elastin, two chemicals that help to the health of the skin.

Do not smoke.

Smoking is bad for your health. If you do not know yet, it is high time to catch up on your literature. In addition to weakening the lungs, putting carcinogenic deposits in your body and increase your risk of all sorts of diseases, including heart problems, smoking can also make you appear haggard and old. The reason is that smoking rob the body of its stored vitamin C, a necessary element in cellular renewal.

Wear your sunscreen

Shield your self sun's damaging rays. Not only will you be a candidate for skin cancer, you as dry as dry skin may eventually develop wrinkles. To protect yourself, wear sunscreens that have SPF of at least 15. If you can put an SPF higher, so much the better. It is also good to avoid the sun as much as you can and you should always have with you a hat or umbrella.

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